Wednesday, March 13, 2019

FB Page Corrupted By Cyber Attack Over Vaccine Info?

Our entire Facebook discussion page and all admin accounts on various networks have been corrupted. It is an obvious cyber attack. I suspect that is may be an attack from Facebook themselves regarding some discussions about vaccines the past few days by a few different admins. Whatever your opinion is on vaccinations, this is an extremely unsettling development. Again, agree or disagree, but discussion about it should certainly not be silenced, corrupted, punished, or the subject of clandestine attack by Facebook. There is plenty of science both ways, various experiences and people of varying expertise. Science in general, has in no way found any findings to be conclusive on either side of the debate. Personally, I was in favor of vaccinations. I did not support it as a mandate by law, but still supported the practice. Now, this attack on our page leads me to believe there is a much darker agenda here. Rather than show my support of vaccinations, in open debate, we have been attacked. I no longer support vaccinations because of this development alone. -JMV